Friday, October 15, 2010


In the last post I mentioned that we were attending an outdoor concert in someones backyard this past weekend...I also mentioned that I have been thinking a lot about what I want out of life. Well the two sort of converged in more than one way. Part of what I want to continue to do is really soak up life, not get stuck in a rut where I look back when I am old and wish I had done more. Because really, when you are nearing the end of your life you are not going to look back and remember the days you spent sitting in front of the TV (don't get me wrong - I love 'my' shows IE Modern Family, Always Sunny, etc) but you are going to remember the days spent being present in the moment.

I know this post might be rambling and semi-chaotic, haha. Anyways...where I was going with the concert and take the leap to do what you want to do to create the life you love was that Matt and I don't really think there are coincidences - there are signs (whewwww that was a run-on sentence). During the concert one of the songwriters began talking about how he left a 'successful' career (successful in the world's eyes) and followed his passion. He prayed and prayed even though admitting that he desired something different for his life when he had been so incredibly blessed. But he kept at is his goal, working towards it day in and day out and eventually God presented an opportunity and songwriter took the leap of faith. The songwriter presented his story in order to urge those in the crowds to move towards the life they desire - and it was just what I wanted and needed to hear. And it was a sign to hear the same, reassuring message just hours after I posted the last blog expressing what I have been thinking about.

All of this has led me to really pursue some of my passions on a bigger scale. Time will tell how these really manifest themselves but we'll see!

Anyways - we had an amazing (super jammed packed) weekend last weekend and I will share that soon.


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