Monday, November 8, 2010

take a peak...

I am always curious to see the places in a home that people don't normally post in blogs...for example the pantry. Pantries are never that pretty and fairly hard to organize. Soooo, ya wanna see what I do to keep it [somewhat] neat?

I keep our sugar, flour, whole wheat flour, pasta, etc in these glass jars from Walmart (you can find the jars at Target too - they just cost a few more bucks there).

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I organized all the 'loose' bags of snacks in to baskets/

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Something else I have in our pantry which was done during a pure moment of genius (I was in the accelerated/gifted program through of all grade school you know...). Well I got those handy dandy pop can holders. You know...those racks that roll a new can down to you? Well I bought 4 and have them in our pantry to store canned goods! It helps me know what we have on hand and keeps it all neat.


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